Today is the first Monday of women’s month and what better way to start this month than to zoom into the importance of prioritizing yourself as a mom and as a woman. I actually thought that I was going to have a lot of reasons why we should start prioritizing ourselves as moms. However, as I really dug deep into the life of a mother and all the things that demand her attention, I ended up with only one. Here is the one reason why you should start prioritizing yourself as a mom. (This is my love letter to you mommy). Happy Women’s Month!
Start prioritizing yourself because YOU are worth it!!
I would like to believe that you might have asked yourself at least one these questions before:
Am I:
- A good mom?
- The best wife and homemaker?
- A good employee?
- Good to my Siblings?
- The exceptional daughter?
- The best boss?
These are the types of questions most of us ask ourselves when we want to become better and improve. Often we stop here and don’t continue further. The missing question is, am I good to ME? For ME? (It is so easy to be good to yourself for the benefit of somebody else). Am I good to Busie; for Busie? (replace my name with yours and ask that question again). It can be so easy to focus on how others view us, basing our worth on other people’s happiness and on how they feel about us. We are encouraged to practice self-care because it is an essential part of parenting (and it is) but I believe that the why should be more than that.
I know that you love your children and that you love your spouse but I want to challenge you to prioritize you for you! Pursue your dreams for you. Practice self-care because YOU want to show up as your best self. As L’Oreal said it, BECAUSE YOU ARE WORTH IT!! SELF-care is about self, it is about you. Therefore I want to encourage you mommy to take good care of yourself because you deserve it. Yes your husband would love a better wife and you children would love a better mom but you need a better you. I want you to understand that you too are worthy of your love, your time and your attention. You are born worthy, you were created by God worthy. Therefore:
- Pursue your passions for you
- Start that business because it is what sets your soul on fire
- Register for that course because your dreams are valid
- Make self-care a thing because you deserve it.
I am tired of seeing moms walk around with so much untapped potential. Losing yourself in the guise of motherhood is a reality but something can be done about it. May you have the courage to follow your dreams and to put yourself first. Knowing that ultimately that means putting your loved ones first. May you stop apologizing for wanting to do and be more as a mother. Moreover, I want you to know that I believe in you and confidently believe that you can do it!! I am talking about that one thing that you are so scared to do; you can and should do it! Like Oprah, I pray that you become fearless about doing the things that will allow you to live inside God’s dream for you; may you be courageous enough to be obedient to the call of the dream.
This is the one reason why you should start prioritizing yourself as a mom. Why do you think it’s important to prioritize yourself as a mom?
Wow.. so profound we often neglect loving and taking care of ourselves as mom’s yet we expect other people to love us.. thank you Busi for this reminder.
Thank you Sindi. We need to love ourselves first.