Happy New Year mama! I love New years because it always gives us all a chance to start a new chapter. Often as moms, we focus on everyone else’s needs and dreams and put ours at the bottom of the list or they do not make it to the list at all. I believe that motherhood is a facet of a woman’s identity and not its entirety, that motherhood was not made to TAME us as moms. And that is why I advocate for moms to pursue their dreams. I hope that this year 2022, you will prioritize your dreams and that starts with knowing what those dreams are. Regarding your 2022 goals: here’s how to figure what you want as a mom.
This blog post is an excerpt from “Mommy Dreams – The Journal”
Why you should figure out what you want as a mom
The number one reason why most moms don’t get what they want is that they have not decided what that is! They haven’t defined their desires, their wants, their hopes, and their dreams in clear and compelling detail. As Jack Canfield says it, there are so many layers of should’s, ought to’s, and you’d betters that pile on top of and suffocate our deepest dreams and desires!
Our goals, and what we want inspire how we live our lives. Whom we want to become and what we want to accomplish affect our lives in important ways. These have an impact on how we think, how we spend our money and time, how we show up etc. Without getting really clear on what it is that you want, you cannot set priorities and non-negotiables that will help you to become the woman and mom of your dreams. Moreover, you run the risk of continuously overlooking and compromising on the things that are really important to you.
How to figure out what you want:
Allow yourself to dream again
If failure did not exist, what would you do? If you had all the resources to pursue your dreams, what would those dreams be? Take the time to answer these questions. Sometimes we talk ourselves out of the things that we really want to do because it seems impossible and then we remain unfulfilled as the dreams/desires linger over us. So, what do you really want??
Pick one
Often at the beginning of the year, we get over ambitious and want to change all our bad habits at once and pursue every goal we have ever had and as a result, end up overwhelmed. In this step, I would like you to pick one goal. Ask yourself: if I could pick only one goal out of my dream again list, which one will have the most significant impact in my life and why?
Ask yourself the “How can I?” question
After picking your one goal, ask yourself how can you do it. For example, if your chosen goal is to become a public speaker; turn your goal into a question like this:
How can I become a public speaker?
And then list as many answers as possible in your journal/notepad. Note that for some goals you might have to research how to get started. Once you are done with this step, you will have a very good idea of the action steps that you need to take in order to make your dream a reality. Moreover, you can use this 3 step process with all your goals.
I hope that sharing this section from my journal has helped you get a headstart with your 2022 goals and with figuring out what you want as a mom. To get more you can shop the journal here. How are you intending to prioritize your dreams as a mom this year?